In a surprising turn of events, Megan Rapinoe, the renowned soccer star and activist, was visibly emotional after Riley Gaines, a rising star in the...
Lady Gaga is engaged to her longtime boyfriend, tech entrepreneur Michael Polansky. The 38-year-old pop star is heard referring to the 46-year-old businessman as ‘my...
Understanding the pervasive nature of the internet and social media, Prince Harry and Meghan are careful about their children’s online presence. Meghan and Prince Harry...
Miley Cyrus has reportedly had enough of her father, Billy Ray, and his unkind words aimed at her. Is this her final straw? Shortly after...
Jennifer Aniston is no stranger to speaking her mind when it comes to American politics. In 2020, she shared a photo of herself voting for...
The Royal family has reportedly reacted to Meghan Markle’s plan to return to the UK for the 2027 Invictus Games which is set to take...
Grammy-winning Canadian singer, Celine Dion, has savored her first performance in four years at the 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris, France, on Friday....
On June 29, 2005, Jennifer Garner married Ben Affleck, a union that, while it ultimately ended in divorce, has left her with the enduring role...
The masked Olympic torchbearer was a closely guarded secret as Paris 2024 officials opted to keep the identity a mystery during the opening ceremony. Wearing...
According to Daily Mail on August 21, a black female student called on people to donate money for college through a post on the fundraising...