Jennifer Aniston, beloved for her iconic role as Rachel Green on Friends, is reportedly still harboring a grudge against Angelina Jolie, decades after their infamous...
Brad Pitt is firing back at Angelina Jolie’s recent accusations amid their ongoing legal battle over their shared vineyard. The latest developments in their protracted...
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s son Pax has been released from ICU following his e-bike crash. The 20-year-old will have a ‘long road of recovery’...
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s son Pax, 20, has been hospitalized. On Monday evening, Pax was involved in an accident while riding his electric bike...
In an emotional press conference held today, Angelina Jolie disclosed heart-wrenching news about her daughter, Shiloh Pitt. The actress and humanitarian revealed that Shiloh has...
Angelina Jolie was joined by 15-year-old daughter Vivienne during an outing in Los Angeles on Tuesday. The 49-year-old Oscar-winning actress — who was spotted out...