Whoopi Goldberg has been co-hosting ABC’s “The View” since 2007, making her the longest serving member on the successful daytime show’s panel. However, the celebrated...
The owner of Holtermann’s Bakery claims she denied the ‘View’ host’s request because of issues with her boilers, not Goldberg’s political views While celebrating her...
The clash between Gordon Ramsay and Whoopi Goldberg over a Beef Wellington has ignited a culinary feud worthy of the most dramatic reality TV show....
Celebrity chef Guy Fieri has made headlines after a public outburst against television personality Whoopi Goldberg, accusing her of exhibiting “toxic” behavior during a recent...
The View is no stranger to on-air gaffes. As one of the most popular live shows on TV, the long-running daytime institution has had plenty...
To most people, divorce is not easy; nor is it fun. However, when someone is married to the wrong person, getting a divorce might feel...
Whoopi Goldberg, the renowned actress, and television personality, along with soccer star Megan Rapinoe, have announced their decision to leave the United States. The announcement...
In a recent episode of “The View,” a notable incident occurred when Simone Biles, the celebrated gymnast, declined an invitation to appear on the show....
Keanu Reeves is one of the nicest, most genuine people in Hollywood. Whoopi Goldberg, on the other hand, was recently voted “most hated person” in...
In a sobering announcement that has gripped the nation, iconic actress and talk show co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, alongside soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe, declared their intentions...